Got Pharmacy?

A collection of hospital pharmacy related journal club and topic discussions

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Subtitle: A collection of hospital pharmacy related journal club and topic discussions
Summary: Find my new project at
Author: pharmacyjoe; Category: Health; Explicit: No

Track Listing

/ Episode 1 - Acid Base Discussion0:39:5556kbps2400015.99 MB
Got Pharmacy? Is a collection of inservices, presentations, topic discussions and journal clubs. In this episode, 3 pharmacists and 3 pharmacy students discuss acid-base disorders. The guide for the discussion is A Practical Approach to Understanding Acid-Base Abnormalities in Critical Illness.

/ Episode 2 Journal Club Rivaroxaban for Thromboprophylaxis in Acutely Ill Medical Patients0:42:2756kbps2400017 MB
A Journal Club discussion between pharmacists and pharmacy students regarding the article Rivaroxaban for thromboprophylaxis in Acutely Ill Medical Patients

/ Episode 3 - chronic opioid use and PCA dosing0:46:0496kbps3200031.64 MB
A PGY-1 Resident presents a case to pharmacists, residents, and students about a patient encounter.

/ Episode 4 - targeted temperature management0:30:2164kbps2400013.9 MB
A pharmacy student discusses thi article from NEJM about targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest.

/ Episode 5 - Cyclosporine Risking The Kidney To Save The Lungs0:21:5364kbps2400010.03 MB
A pharmacy student presents a case about cyclosporine.

/ Episode 6 - Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia0:00:3664kbps24000285.97 KB
I have managed to botch yet another instead I have these two links: 1. A NEJM Article on HIT 2. A podcast by intensivist Dr. Jeffery Guy from the burn ICU at Vanderbuilt Medical Center. Enjoy!

/ genotype guided dosing of warfarin0:35:2564kbps2400016.22 MB
A pharmacy student presents This article about Genotype guided dosing of warfarin to a group of pharmacists, residents, and pharmacy students. Addendum that did not make the recording - check out for a great tool to help get your patients started on warfarin.

/ Episode 8 - PROCESS Trial0:27:32192kbps4410037.83 MB
A journal club of Pharmacy students and pharmacists discussing the process trial.

keywords: Sepsis, Critical Care
/ 0:00:4596kbps48000537.75 KB
Hey Got Pharmacy Listeners! I know I haven't updated this in a while. I am excited to let you know about a new project I have called The Elective Rotation Podcast. It's a critical care pharmacy podcast updated every Monday and Thursday. You can find it in itunes by going to or anywhere else by heading over to Since I know you are interested in journal clubs, I have created guidelines on how to run a journal club. You can get them for free at Thank you and I hope to see you in the next episode o

/ 0:00:4596kbps48000537.75 KB
Hi Got Pharmacy listeners! On my new critical care pharmacy podcast “The elective rotation” I now serve over 3,000 health care professionals with valuable critical care and hospital pharmacy content. Episodes are published every Monday and Thursday at 3AM EST. I want to let you know that with episode 27 I’m starting a new format for my Thursday episodes. The new format will include: A journal article review (with evidence links in the show notes) A drug information question and answer A valuable resource I use You can find the elective rotation by searching “hospital p


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